About Us

Who We Are


NOVAPLAK® is the official brand of the products manufactured by NOVAFLOOR®.

NOVAFLOOR® the factory responsible for NOVAPLAK® production, is a leading decision-maker in TEAM2, a hub of competitive research and development in Villiers, North of France.

The factory is responsible for the recycling of materials and is part of the board of directors.

TEAM2 projects: Waste recovery (developing green products from construction and plastics waste, secondary raw materials or by-products) polluted sites and soils (studies of sediments and rare metals).

NOVAFLOOR® products (NOVAPLAK®) are classified as green materials by the CD2E (Research Center for the emergence of green technologies, serving the development of green businesses), and their quality is recognized by the building industry.

NOVAFLOOR® has an industrial park, know-how and vast experience that allow it to participate in research and development programs with collection industry actors and thus contribute in the short, medium and long term, in reducing our need for non-renewable resources.

Fawaz Kazma (CEO of NOVAFLOOR®), as a recognized expert and a leader in the recycling industry, is currently developing, with the support of ADEME, a pioneering and innovative national eco-industry project to respond to high expectations in the recycling of carpets and is developing, with the eco- organization TLC, recycling of used textiles.

NOVAFLOOR® offers operational solutions to waste collection services and to local governments that fall within the objectives set by the laws of the Grenelle Environment II and the European Commission up to 2020.

Waste Market


The construction industry produces the most waste in France.

In 2009, waste produced in the construction sector was estimated at 31 million tons:

  • 20 million tons for demolition (65%)
  • 8.6 million tons for rehabilitation (28%)
  • 2.17 million tons for construction (7%)

Today, recycling of materials in the construction industry is estimated at less than 50%.

Source: MEDDTL (Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing).


Article L- 541-10-3 of the environment code, voted in December 2006 as part of the Finance Act of 2007, establishes a system of expanded producer responsibility for used textiles in order to sustain the textile recovery chain and increase the volumes of textile separately collected and recycled.

The textile sector creates 700,000 tons of waste per year. Today, 100,000 tons are collected. The recovered textiles are destined for different uses: according to Federec (Federation of recycling companies), 50% of these used textiles are sent to developing countries to be reused, 20% become wiping cloths, 10% are for cardboard, 8% for fraying, and 12% are destroyed.


To meet the growing demands of the society, carpeting manufacturers are committed to the HQE® (high environmental quality) approach for the publication of two Environmental and Health Data Sheets (FDES).

This voluntary collection effort is carried out under the auspices of the UFTM (Moquette and Carpet French Union) and with the assistance of the environmental association for carpets GUT (Association for Eco Carpets).

NOVAFLOOR® is currently developing a pioneering and innovative program, with the support of the ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), in response to the high expectations for recycling used carpet.


The automotive sector stands at the forefront of complex recycled products.

In France, around 1.5 million vehicles become obsolete every year. They generate nearly 1.5 million tons of waste.

According to a dismantling and crushing campaign for obsolete vehicles led by the ADEME in 2008, the rate of reuse and recycling today is around 79.5% and the rate of reuse and recovery is 81%.

NOVAFLOOR® recycles materials from obsolete vehicles to give them a new life cycle and a totally different use.

Our Clients

NOVAFLOOR® offers a comprehensive and proactive solution to the waste problems of building professionals and of players in waste collection industries.

Based on an proactive and synergistic approach, involving many players in the construction industry, the NOVAFLOOR® offer can provide practical solutions in terms of waste treatment, fully compatible with the environmental challenges in this industry.

NOVAFLOOR® has an industrial park, know-how and vast experience that allow it to participate in research and development programs with collection industry actors and thus contribute in the short, medium and long term, in reducing our need for non-renewable resources.

NOVAFLOOR® is an effective response to the reduction of emissions of Greenhouse Gases, to the depletion of primary resources and to the improvement of the lifecycle of our products.



Established in 1996 NOVAFLOOR® built a pilot plant in Coquelles, near Calais France.
Using recycled plastics and minéral fillers as raw material, NOVAFLOOR® developed an innovative technology to produce a new building material called NOVAPLAK®.

Christian Brescianini

Président de Plaseco leader français du mobilier urbain en plastique recyclé

“ Novaplak is the material of this century. It is beautiful, smart, and useful to society ”

Daniel Moquet


“ Our group is constantly on the lookout for innovative materials for our customers. The Novadalle addresses this concern: aesthetic, easy to work and virtuous for the environment ”

David Narciso

Prolongement de la ligne L12.2

“ We have validated Coffranov 5 and the Novafloor facing matrix. These products correspond to our needs and are ideal in particular for formwork and matrices on the underside of slabs: Water resistant, rigid and easy to install. In addition, these materials are recycled and recyclable ”

François Cussigh

Centre de recherche Béton de Marolles en Hurrepoix

“ Coffranov formwork skins are interesting for two things relating to the environment: on the one hand, they are fully recyclable. On the other hand, they require very little formwork oil. We have successfully tested them 3 times without oil. After 3 uses we recommend applying the oil ”

Grégory Léth

Eiffage Bénélux Valens

“ We tested the Coffranov at the site prefab. We have successfully passed our 62-use program. We had considered purchasing them from Novafloor as planned, to have them recycled. But since the skins were still good, we kept them ”

Jérôme Minie

Responsable Innovation Bouygues Matériel

“ We tested Coffranov compared to plywood. On an aesthetic level, the concrete rendering is comparable. It is interesting in terms of demolding as well as on many points. Recycling is not one of the least ”